InfoAsilo , A Daily Schedule of Children 24/24 Hours and in Real Time! InfoAsilo is a management software for the childhood sector.
InfoAsilo , A Daily Schedule of Children 24/24 Hours and in Real Time!
InfoAsilo is a management software for the childhood sector.
This app is part of the service that allows the parents of children to view day by day, and in real time, the daily card of their child, with information on activities carried out, meals, communications and health status.
The cards can be consulted directly from smartphone or tablet 24/24 hours and in real time, just as the educator proceeds with the compilation!
★ Daily cards with information on revenue and outputs, communications, activities carried out, snacks, lunch, sonnellini, change of diapers, child's health
★ Automatic Login - There is no need to insert username and password at each access!
★ Navigation day by day with side scroll
★ Child selection - for accounts with multiple children (e.g. for parents with two children)
The app to work requires an internet connection.
The app works only for the structures that are equipped with the compilation system of daily InfoAsilo cards (infonid or infomitorial).
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